Подробное описание и курс криптовалюты Donut


Блокчейн экосисистемы

 Gnosis Chain  Ethereum SocialFi Reddit Points

В обращении 100,00% 212940501.555374 из 212940501,555374 Donut



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Donuts are Ethereum main-net ERC-20 tokens that represent community contribution & engagement at the /r/ethtrader subreddit. Users earn Donuts simply by participating and contributing content to /r/ethtrader. An easy way to think of them is a spendable and trade-able karma, but exclusive to /r/ethtrader. Donuts can be used to purchase aesthetic perks via a special subscription as well as the top banner, which is often used for advertising purposes. Donuts can also be tipped to other users and are used as vote weight in community governance polls. Subreddit members receive Donuts in monthly batches, and may receive them on the Ethereum main net or opt to receive them on the xDai sidechain. Liquidity staking incentives are available for liquidity providers on Uniswap (Ethereum main net) and Honeyswap (xDai). Donuts are the very first prototype of Reddit's Community Points initiative, which has since spread to /r/cryptocurrency (MOON) and /r/fortniteBR (BRICK).

Официальные сайты DONUT: https://www.donut.foundation  https://donut-dashboard.com/ 

Обозреватели блоков DONUT: etherscan.io  ethplorer.io  gnosisscan.io 

Социальные сети

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/  

Полезные ссылки и дополнительная информация

Курсы, биржи, торговля DONUT

Блокчейн, Стейкинг, Пулы ликвидности DONUT

События DONUT

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Основная торговля криптовалютой Donut

Основная торговля криптовалютой Donut на децентрализованных биржах (DEX)







Рейтинг и оценка Donut

Ранг по оценке  CoinMarketCap: 2772

Ранг по оценке  CoinGecko: 1111.

Оценка коммуникации (баллы): 50,522

Общая оценка интереса (баллы): 0

Оценка разработки (баллы): 0

Оценка ликвидности (баллы): 1


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