Court Hearings for OneCoin Affiliates Begin in Germany

Three people to face criminal allegations in Germany over their participation in OneCoin, a multibillion-dollar fraud scheme, Bloomberg reports.

According to court documents, a Munich lawyer was charged with money laundering and banking crime allegations for transferring $19.7 million to Ruja Ignatova, the founder of OneCoin. The other two defendants are charged with transferring around $316 million from investors to OneCoin executives within a year.

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Ignatova's whereabouts have been unknown since October 2017 as she hasn't appeared in public since this date, neither in connection with OneCoin nor otherwise. The "Cryptoqueen" first introduced OneCoin back in 2014.

The project is considered a Ponzi scheme over its organizational structure. According to US prosecutors' estimates, the scheme brought in approximately $4 billion worldwide.