Bitcoin Sets Record 63 Straight Days Closing Above $10,000

Bitcoin closed Sunday at $10,793 setting a record of 63 consecutive daily closes above $10,000, according to market data aggregated by Messari.

  • The bellwether cryptocurrency’s previous record 62-day streak above $10,000 lasted from Dec. 1, 2017, through Jan. 31, 2018, when bitcoin reached its all-time high of just above $19,900 on COINBASE after soaring nearly 100% in 2 weeks.
  • Bitcoin’s latest prolonged period above the major five-digit mark, however, has been relatively quiet, mostly staying in a fairly small range between $10,000 and $12,500.
  • According to Coin Metrics, 180-day returns volatility for the leading cryptocurrency has plummeted 41% so far in September.
Bitcoin streaks of days trading above $10,000
Source: Coin Metrics, CoinDesk Research

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