Charles Hoskinson Proposes to Transfer Dogecoin to Cardano's Blockchain

Charles Hoskinson, founder of Cardano, has said that after Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter, Dogecoin could be integrated with the social platform and has suggested transferring the cryptocurrency to his project's ecosystem.

He has written:

"Now that Twitter is in the hands of Elon Musk I can see a real possibility that doge will somehow merge with the platform."

A commenter has drawn attention to Dogecoin's problems, including the high concentration of assets held by whales and the lack of support for NFTs.

In response, Hoskinson has highlighted the social platform could launch the protocol as a Cardano sidechain. He has added Dogecoin developers can also transfer the crypto to their project's ecosystem.

He has said:

"Should be a Cardano sidechain. I'd do the migration for free. Hell I'd even add smart contracts."