Guy Gives Bitcoin Book to Police at DUI Checkpoint

A pre-announced Driving Under Influence (DUI) checkpoint in Brentwood City (population 50,000) of the San Francisco Bay Area ended with no arrests.

However, local residents brought some gifts this festive season according to local media reports. They say:

“Observing the checkpoint, many residents happy to see PD doing this where 1 person provided hot chocolate and another provided them a book on bitcoin.”

The article reporting on the event does not mention this bitcoin present, but the quoted part above from Facebook was met with Maggie Mae asking: “What’s bitcoin?”

Facebook has badged Mae as top fan, meaning she frequents the Facebook page of this local paper somewhat frequently, so presumably making her a local resident who has now just found out about bitcoin.

Who the bitcoin guy was, however, is not clear, but the gift is very appropriate in regards to the fourth amendment which says:

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

“Unreasonable” is obviously subject to interpretation, but by definition this pre-announced checkpoint is a fishing expedition to potentially find ostensibly drunk drivers, but also maybe cash.

“Civil Forfeiture is profitable,” the Harvard Law Review says before adding:

“While a lack of reporting requirements makes it difficult to fully account for its revenues, the Justice and Treasury departments alone received nearly $4.5 billion in forfeiture proceeds in 2014; individual states have taken in as much as $46 million in a single year from the practice.”

A pile of cash or gold is of course itself suspicious to the police in the dark as pictured above, but with bitcoin they wouldn’t even know you have it, unless they go through your phone in which case what is an unreasonable search becomes much more clear cut.

Hence the somewhat pointy gift by the bitcoiner, with local residents online seemingly considering this “random” checkpoint a waste of money and resources as apparently by law they have to pre-announce it and its location.

Image Courtesy of EastCountyToday, Copyrights