Mexico’s Biggest University Adds Course That Features Crypto Learning

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Mexico’s Biggest University Adds Course That Features Crypto Learning 101
Source: Adobe/Pascal06

Latin America’s biggest and most prestigious university, the Mexico City-based National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) will launch a Financial Engineering course – with modules that reportedly cover subjects such as crypto and blockchain technology.

In its December bulletin, the UNAM explained that its new course would last two semesters in the case of full-time students, with part-time students needing to attend for a period of four semesters.

Per Criptonoticias, the course will reportedly see students look at how crypto and blockchain are used on the financial markets.

And the UNAM literature explains,

“Graduates [of the course] will be able to evaluate the profitability of public and private companies and develop financing strategies. [They will learn to] design, develop and implement innovative financial instruments and processes, design investment portfolios, measure financial risk and more.”

The university stated that the course is being targeted at students who have majored in engineering, mathematics, and statistics-related subjects, although “graduates of other related subjects may also apply.”

The course is the brainchild of a number of separate departments at UNAM, namely the Faculty of Engineering and the faculties of Science, Law and Higher Studies.

The move will mark a historic first for Latin American universities, marking a debut for learning about crypto at elite-level seats of higher learning in the region.

Founded in 1910, UNAM has built up an international reputation for itself in the fields of robotics, computer science, and mathematics – and all three of Mexico’s Nobel laureates completed their undergraduate studies at the university.


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