Irish Firms Pay Blockchain Devs More than US Counterparts – Report

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Source: Unsplash/Kelly Sikkema

The highest-paid blockchain developers in the world are not based in Silicon Valley, but on the Emerald Isle, per a new report – with the United States placing third, behind Northern neighbor Canada on a list of countries with the highest average hourly rates for blockchain developers.

The report was compiled by Dev Quarterly, who stated that it calculated average hourly rates by countries by looking at nations “with at least five agencies with blockchain developers.”

Devs based in Ireland can expect to make between USD 112 and USD 149 on upper-range projects, with average pricing of between USD 83 and 136. In the United States, the upper range ceiling was higher, at USD 151, but average pricing was far lower, at USD 53-USD 80 per hour.

Source: Dev Quarterly

And while blockchain dev salaries are reportedly going through the roof in Mainland China, with demand outstripping supply, Asian nations were a notable absentee in the ratings, with Ireland claiming the top spot. Second-placed Canada followed, with America in third, ahead of the UK.

Poland (in fifth) was one of three Eastern European nations making the list, with Bulgaria placing 10th, just behind global economic powerhouse Germany.

The report’s authors wrote,

“Blockchain development being priced twice as high in Western countries is a clear trend.”

Asian nations were relatively poorly represented: India placed 6th, Singapore was 8th and Hong Kong placed 11th on the list of 14. Neither Japan nor South Korea – considered blockchain powerhouses by most observers – even made the list.

The authors also noted that blockchain devs earn significantly less than smartphone app and websites devs, and less than data scientists and many software developers. The average hourly rate for blockchain developers was between USD 46 and USD 74, with mobile and web devs in some areas such as Oceania making more than double that figure.

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