Black Americans Keener on Crypto than Whites Counterparts – Survey

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Source: iStock/william87

Black Americans are more interested in cryptocurrencies than white people in the United States, say the authors of a new survey.

The findings come in a report published by cryptocurrency exchange . The survey, carried out in conjunction with British ad-tech firm Qriously in January 2020, asked 5,126 respondents aged 18 and above in the US and UK for their opinions on technology, finance and crypto – and found that 70% of Black Americans expressed an interest in and altcoins.

In contrast, only 42% of White Americans said they were keen on crypto.

Black Americans also expressed distrust in the existing financial system, the report found that one-third of Black Americans believe all ethnicities and races have equal access to the financial system.

Source: Coinbase

The Black Americans surveyed appeared to instead believe that crypto could provide multiple ethnicities with a level playing field in finance.

Coinbase highlighted data collected by real estate database company Zillow, which suggests that in 2014 Black Americans represented only 3% of the conventional mortgage applications lodged in the United States.

They were also more likely than any other group to be tuned down – denial rates stood at 25%, in contrast with a 10% rate for White Americans.

The survey also found that 48% of Black Americans claimed they had been negatively impacted by their interactions with banks, stock markets and fiat currencies, compared with 24% of White Americans.

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