Подробное описание и курс криптовалюты Ink




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Ink is a decentralised solution harnessing the combined power of Consortium Blockchain, Public Blockchain and Cross-chain Interoperability for the global Creative Industry. The vision of Ink is to provide Sovereign Consortium Blockchain to different use cases, to redefine roles, content and behaviours within the industry, and to build for the Creative Industry a decentralised infrastructure in which various applications can be created and correlate to each other under one highly integrated system. Based on a credible and stable public blockchain, an Intellectual Property Asset Exchange is built as a trusted corridor for content-to-liquid-asset conversion and token issuance, making it an integrated ecosystem. Furthermore, defining and developing the cross-chain protocol enables value and information to flow freely between public blockchain and consortium blockchain.

Официальные сайты INK: https://ink.one/ 

Обозреватели блоков INK: explorer.qtum.org 

Социальные сети

Twitter inklabsfound  

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/InkLabsFoundation  

BitcoinTalk: 2328717  

Программный код

GitHub: https://github.com/inklabsfoundation/inkchain

Полезные ссылки и дополнительная информация

Курсы, биржи, торговля INK

Блокчейн, хэшрейт, майнинг INK

События INK

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Основная торговля криптовалютой Ink на децентрализованных биржах (DEX)







Рейтинг и оценка Ink

Ранг по оценке  CoinMarketCap: 2744

Ранг по оценке  CoinGecko: 480.

Оценка коммуникации (баллы): 22,565

Общая оценка интереса (баллы): 0

Оценка разработки (баллы): 51,991

Оценка ликвидности (баллы): 3,906


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