Подробное описание и курс криптовалюты Aave [OLD]

 Aave [OLD] EE 

Блокчейн экосисистемы

 Ethereum Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

В обращении 2,77% 35947024.7612668 из 1299999941,70317 Aave [OLD]



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Aave is a decentralized lending platform that runs on Ethereum Network which offers secure, peer-to-peer lending Smart Contracts. Aave strives to break through the traditional bank loans system with a more efficient solution. Aave also uniquely allows a borrower and a lender to decide on important loan details that can eliminate the need of a middle man. Due to the elimination of middlemen, process fee for a loan does not exist on this platform. This provide convenience to any lender and borrower to create loans on their agreed terms. Decentralized lending has fixed many issues and one of the reasons why is the transparency of loan. The Ethereum network provides a transparent ledger where all transactions are available to be inspected. Secondly, it isn’t necessary to find a trusted loan provider because all collateral which is the digital asset for loans are stored and locked in a smart contract and broadcasted on the public ethereum blockchain. It is also flexible for borrower to manage the collateral by refilling or withdrawing part of it. Borrower may make such changes when the lender is notified and aware of such movement. If the lender finds out that the action is not communicated, the lender is allowed to initiate a margin call. This year, Aave has made a major upgrades in its Q1 2018. They have deployed the new development for their peer-to-peer lending application named Alpha 0.3. The development process of Alpha 0.3 has started since the early of 2017. The new release also includes a completely new user interface which targets to lower the learning curve of user experience on the app. Furthermore, the new user interface has new sections to make lending process simpler such as including a ‘My Loan’ section, collectible badges and more. Other than that, the team is also in the process of developing more updates for the smart contracts. Hence, the team has decided to provide zero-fee lending with the use of LEND token as a medium of exchange, as an alternative to borrowing in Ethereum. The purpose of this is to provide a cross-blockchain lending currency which will prompt users to use LEND as the medium of exchange.

Официальные сайты LEND: https://aave.com/ 

Обозреватели блоков LEND: etherscan.io  ethplorer.io 

Форумы LEND: www.instagram.com 

Чаты LEND: aave.com 

Социальные сети

Twitter AaveAave  

Facebook: AaveCom  

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Aave_Official  

BitcoinTalk: 2090735  

Telegram: Aavesome  

Программный код

GitHub: https://github.com/aave/aave-protocol,  https://github.com/ETHLend/DAPP

Полезные ссылки и дополнительная информация

Курсы, биржи, торговля LEND

Блокчейн, Стейкинг, Пулы ликвидности LEND

События LEND

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Основная торговля криптовалютой Aave [OLD] на децентрализованных биржах (DEX)







Рейтинг и оценка Aave [OLD]

Ранг по оценке  CoinMarketCap: 797

Ранг по оценке  CoinGecko: 273.

Оценка коммуникации (баллы): 40,156

Общая оценка интереса (баллы): 0,058

Оценка разработки (баллы): 47,114

Оценка ликвидности (баллы): 1


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